B is for Brave: unleash your potential in 5 steps

When thinking about being brave a lot of things come to mind.

I think of people in the medical profession who save lives every day, I think of firefighters and police officers who protect us (a lot of the time risking their own lives in the process), I think of those people volunteering themselves for medical trials to help make advancements and help their societies and the world.

But I don’t just think of them, I also think of people who have survived illnesses, who still battle with those illnesses, I think of people making big decisions and moves in their lives, I think of those who put others first despite their feelings and thoughts, I think of people who have the courage to be and show their vulnerabilities, I think of those who challenge themselves every day to do something they thought they couldn’t, no matter how big or small that is.

5 steps to bring out the brave in you:

  1. Identify your barriers
  2. Pinpoint the reason
  3. Challenge it
  4. Slowly rise above
  5. Be brave
  1. Identify your barriers

I am an overthinker, that is a fact, I am trying to work on it all the time and change but it is difficult, I feel it come over me like a wave of overwhelm that rapidly increases in speed and size like a tsunami. I think the first step in any pursuit is to notice and accept that, right now, this is my reality. I do hope some day I can find the strategies to conquer and look past it and just know.
Know that what I think is valid.
Know what I feel is ok.
Know that the choices I make are the best for me.
Know that I don’t have to justify all my decisions or think that what others think is more valid than my own thoughts.

I really hope one day I will know all of this and not overthink it.

This is what I suffer from, what about you? What is your barrier? Do you know about it yet? Maybe you too are an overthinker, maybe you are a perfectionist or have a fear of letting people down? This last one is also a big one for me, but thinking about it logically and knowing that you won’t always please everyone helps in this regard.

2. Pinpoint the reason

What is making you feel this way? How far back do you think you can go to identify when you started feeling this way? Was there a moment that started it? Or a time that this feeling intensifies?

For me, I tend to overthink a lot of moments in my life especially when they’re linked to big decisions or changes. I have identified that this links to my fear of letting people down. It has taken me a while to pinpoint the reason but it is definitely something worth investigating and working on.

3. Challenge it

Is this feeling actually real or have you fabricated it in your own mind? How is it making you feel? What is the point of feeling this way? Is it simply your instinct of fight or flight? Can you challenge it and change it?

A lot of the time I feel myself getting more and more anxious about a fabricated issue in my mind, something that has not happened but I am sure that would ‘if…’ Or ‘that it will happen if I don’t…’ Or ‘that it will happen if I do…’

I stress and overthink scenarios based on past experiences that really make the worry stand out in my mind and entirely take over all my logical thinking and sense of calm. When this occurs, I can see it happen, I can feel it in my gut, my head, my heart and in the change in my breathing. I have not yet managed to challenge it and change it as such, but I know it is there and will work on moving towards the third step.

4. Slowly rise above

This sounds easier than it is, but it takes time and practice. The key word in this step is ‘slowly’, to rise above you need to know what you’re dealing with and then know that your worries or reactions are unnecessary and most likely too harsh. That is why slowly is key, you will not challenge and get over the situation immediately and believing this is possible is a mistake and will only cause more frustration and stress.

So slowly consider: what will help me rise above this? Slow breathing? Meditation? A walk? Talking to a friend?
I will take the time now, to look after myself emotionally and work through this.

Walking out in the fresh air is my source of inspiration and what helps me rise above it all.

5. Be brave

Whatever that means to you, in whatever shape or form.

Be brave to be vulnerable.
Be brave to follow your path despite opinions.
Be brave to show your weaknesses.
Be brave to ask for help.
Be brave to embrace and love your life.
Be brave to change that which doesn’t work.


Being brave is a process, it takes time and dedication, some may be braver than others but I assure you we can all be brave no matter how much it takes us. Do not compare yourself to others compare yourself to yourself, to your past self and make the changes you need for your future self.

I hope you have enjoyed this post and find it useful to help you be a little bit more brave.
Please leave a comment with your thoughts and stay safe.


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